, pub-3093549154593627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dayz Favorite Shows and Things: December 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Nick Carter Aaron Carter Dayz Fan Art

I have been a fan of BSB and Aaron Carter since the beginning!  (I love all KINDS of music, not Just pop, and People knew me for my NSYNC, Britney, BSB Thing... If you knew me at all. Its how I met 2 (well actually 3) of my best friends! <3 
I have drawn several BSB drawings, *that I would have to really look for, but I wanted one of Nick Carter and Aaron Carter together. OH and its a try at Lettering (Still not as good at lettering as my Fabulous Mom! She is twice the artist I am! As is my Dad! <3  My whole family is artistic in some way or another!)

I drew these 15 Years ago! OMG! Has it really been that long??

Several months back, I was hoping to share it due to sadness yet excitement to Aaron Carter coming to my area (sadness because I didn't find out until it had already started, and I didn't have the money to get in). I FINALLY found my artwork from all these years back and want to Share It With YOU! If you are a fan of Nick Carter or Aaron Carter, I hope it does them justice! 

Oh, and I am sorry about Aarons' chin being cut from the shot. My only way of uploading back then was taking a photograph, and now I don't know where the original is.  
Tag me on Twitter or Instagram if you would like what you see! 

@SparkleP8nter #FanArt #AaronCarter #DayzFanArt

You will also find This Post on my other blog 

#aaroncarter #aaroncarterfanart #dayzfanart #daysart #fanart #nickcarter #nickcarterfanart