, pub-3093549154593627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dayz Favorite Shows and Things: October 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Seth Green Quoted Me!!

Well, kind of!! OMG I am so excited!! I am having a relaxing Halloween night watching SuperMansion on Crackle with my boyfriend, season episode 5, a SETH GREEN show, with BRYAN CRANSTON, two of my favorite people in Hollywood. And they quoted one of MY terms that my friends Kati, Kristi and I made up years ago in college, in 1999, or maybe the early 2000. The best part, they used it they right way!! If you want to read more Bout what I am talking about, please check out My other blog, all about movie and tv trivia. But for now, THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE SHOWS RIGHT NOW!!  And he's so cute!! You will know what I mean when you read my other blog, at the bottom of one of my first posts called Is That Bud? I won't spoil what happens on it, so I will leave it at that!

Thank you for visiting my blog, hope you like it, and I will see you on the next one!! 
#SuperMansion, #Ganky, #DaysFaveShows ,#HappyHalloween just to let you know, this is my unintentional First post, my second post, original first post was only a draft when I posted this one... ops!!